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Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Trick Hack Notepad

Notepad mungkin salah satu software bawaan dari windows tapi janngan pernah sekali kali kamu meremehkan tools kecil ini,karena kamu bisa dibuat pusing tujuh keliling kalo kamu dijalin pake tools kecil ini,ya betul keecil kecil cabe rawit tulah notepad,so daripada nunggu lama check this out :
TRIK 1  - Membuat Forced Shoutdown
@echo off
msg * I don't like you
shutdown -c "Error! You are too ******!" -s

simpan kode script yang berwarna Merah di Notepad dengan nama : xhack.BAT type file : All file
sebarkan File tersebut di Komputer teman Anda,
maka Komputer korban akan otomatis FORCED SHOUTDOWN

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Memperkuat Dan Mempercepat koneksi internet

Oke Blacklist kali ini akan membahas tentang trik untuk memperkuat dan sekaligus koneksi internet gratis,kita tahu berselancar di dunia maya layaknya surga apabila koneksi internet kita luwes wes wess tapi kadang kadang karena suatu sebab koneksi kita menjadi down hingga akhirnya tidak dapat konek,disini Blacklist akan memberi beberapa saran yang kiranya dapat membantu :

Dengan bantuan Software dan sedikit utak atik :

Dengan bantuan software : modem booster,kecepatan koneki internet kalian akan kencang wus wus wus tapi perlu anda ketahui bahwa aplikasi modem boster ini nantinya lebih signifikan pengaruhnya untuk modem Dial-UP, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk jenis modem lainnya seperti ADSL, DSL, dan lain sebagainya.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Happy Holidays at Indonesia

White Sand Beach
White Sand Beach in Situbondo,East Java,is known for its expanse of white sand . Not only that , even this somewhat unique coastal morphology . The topography of the curve facing the sea with a backdrop of forest clusters formed very beautiful panorama . To the north, tourists can see the extent of the northern seas of Java with a white line on the beach . Behind her , a clump of woods presents its own coolness.
White sand is one of the mainstays for the beach destination of East Java Province . This is due to its strategic location , which is on the outskirts of Surabaya - Banyuwangi main road. Travelers who want to go to Bali ( from Surabaya ) , or to Mount Bromo ( from Banyuwangi ) ,usually stopping to rest and watch the beauty of the panorama is presented , especially enjoying the exquisite sunset ( sunset ) .
feature A wide variety of sea sports such as swimming , diving , and surfing can be done at this beach.If you are reluctant to swim , visitors can take a boat to sail and enjoy the underwater scenery.A variety of entertainment such as music concerts and various competitions such as surfing , fishing , and traditional fishing boat races are often held to satisfy the tourists .

Silat Perisai Diri : Bela Diri Ksatria Indonesia

Perisai Diri merupakan salah satu organisasi olahraga beladiri yang menjadi anggota IPSI (Ikatan Pencak Silat Indonesia), induk organisasi resmi pencak silat di Indonesia di bawah KONI (Komite Olahraga Nasional Indonesia). Perisai Diri menjadi salah satu dari sepuluh perguruan silat yang mendapat predikat Perguruan Historis karena mempunyai peran besar dalam sejarah terbentuk dan berkembangnya IPSI. 
Perisai Diri didirikan secara resmi pada tanggal 2 Juli 1955 di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Pendirinya adalah almarhum RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo, putra bangsawan Keraton Paku Alam. Sebelum mendirikan Perisai Diri secara resmi, beliau melatih silat di lingkungan Perguruan Taman Siswa atas permintaan pamannya, Ki Hajar Dewantoro.
Teknik silat Perisai Diri mengandung unsur 156 aliran silat dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia ditambah dengan aliran Shaolin (Siauw Liem) dari negeri Tiongkok. Pesilat diajarkan teknik beladiri yang efektif dan efisien, baik tangan kosong maupun dengan senjata. Metode praktis dalam Perisai Diri adalah latihan Serang Hindar yang mana menghasilkan motto "Pandai Silat Tanpa Cedera".

New Innovations spirit of the Garuda

Padjadjaran University student researching the fungus to break down Styrofoam

Student majoring in Biology class of 2009 , University of Padjadjaran , Mutiara Pramoedya Ningtyas , researching fungi that can break down styrofoam waste . The study, presented in the International Conference of Live Science and Biological Engineering at Osaka , Japan , last month attracted the attention of scientists .
Pearl mushroom research pioneered two years ago . Started when he saw a used plastic box white cake covered with mushrooms like cotton . He suspects there are microbes that can grow on plastic . Most mold is then taken to be grown on agar and further examined .
" There are eight types of microbial fungi , " Pearl said in the hall campus of the University of Padjadjaran in Bandung , Monday, December 23, 2013 . He then sort it by jenisnya.Pada microbial research project was initially to race , wearing pearls to styrofoam mold parsed . The reason , it took a century styrofoam to be destroyed in nature . Research to accelerate the destruction of the waste in the ground . ( Read also : Surviving Mercury Waste 10 Thousand Years )
From the results of experiments with submerged fermentation method , there is one type of microbes that can break down styrofoam pieces measuring 3 x 3 cm thickness of approximately 2 millimeters . " Analysis of microbial DNA that is being done , we do not know whether it's new or old type , " said Astri Wulandari Peni , Pearls research supervisor .

Lecturer innovation Universitas Sebelas Maret: Environmentally Friendly Foam

At first glance the yellow foam pieces were not different from the commonly used foam society . New differences appear when the surface is touched . The foam feels rough and rather stiff .
"If the foam on the market or synthetic foam manufacturing process petroleum wear , we use corn and oil palm waste , " said research team leader Polymers and Composites Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University March Surakarta , Mohammad Masykuri , on campus , Thursday, October 3, 2013 .Corn waste foam is environmentally friendly because it can decompose by itself within 300 days after being dumped or buried in the ground . As with the synthetic foam that can not be destroyed despite decades . " Waste of synthetic foam can damage soil structure , " said Masykuri .
Environmentally friendly foams are named BioFoam PUU - gz or BioFoam Poly ( urethane - urea ) - g- Zein . Research environmentally friendly foam started two years ago . Since the beginning Masykuri wear corn waste because it has the character of a natural polymer . "The skin of the banana and crab shells can also be used , " he said .

Innovation senior high school students 10 Malang: Multifunctional Reactor

Two high school students Negeri 10 Malang successfully won the special award and a bronze medal in the International Environment Project Olympiad High School in Oswego , New York , United States . This award is given to Edwin Lutfi Saputra and Steavanny for inventing the multifunctional reactor Interconnected named B Reactor ." Just us and the Hong Kong award -winning special , " said Edwin on Tempo , Monday, July 8, 2013 . They compete with 325 participants from 58 countries . Used batteries converted into mineral crystals useful for fertilizer , animal feed supplements and water purification . The equipment is designed for five months caught the attention of the jury , because the whole process without the use of fossil fuels .
They create an airtight reactor made ​​of plastic tube about 20 centimeters in diameter , pumps , manometers , four glass tubes , and plastic cups . This equipment spending budget of Rp 200 thousand . " Tool is all around us , easy , and inexpensive , " said Edwin .

The working process of the device is a component of zinc sulfate batteries are inserted in the tube to react with acids to produce hydrogen crystals and minerals . Each 120 milliliters of acid produces enough hydrogen to process for 10 minutes . The hydrogen produced is used for heating in the form of an advanced process that produces crystals of the glass tube .
" So the fuel produced by the reactor system , " said Steavanny . The resulting mineral crystals have been tested for fertilizer plants . The result , faster plant growth . This tool is also developed for the purification of water . Bound and dirt settle to the bottom surface of the water . In addition , functions as a forage supplement also showed results , manure has a low content of methane gas , so it does not damage the ozone layer .

Nations Children works: Intelligent Monitoring Application Loss
Information Technology Student ITB 2010 make intelligent monitoring application jammed . Applications called Smart Traffic Controller it presents a real time conditions of congestion on the road , such as Jakarta , Bandung , and Surabaya .
The application of artificial Rizal Islamic Flag and Okharyadi Saputra . They rely on the system Global Positioning System ( GPS ) on a smart phone application users . From GPS , the observed position of the rider and the road which traversed .

Indication of the presence of obstacles in the road or congestion , based on the decrease in vehicle speed . " For example, when running smoothly 40 km / h , then dropped to 10 km / hour or until the highway was silent as usual , we can avoid that path , " said Rizal . The application is reserved for motorists with four or more wheels .
Such data from over one user , then processed server . The results serve as a warning barriers or bottlenecks . On screen phone or tablet , jam it in the form of a round green dot on the map .
The more users who experience such conditions , traffic jams, and more accurate information . On the condition of vehicles lined up for a red light , the server ignores the data. The vehicles were parked too silent because not count .
On the map of Jakarta , for example , there were five Tempo round green dots flashing on a laptop screen smart cell phone also . While in London at the same time , there are eleven similar point is lit . Monitoring the traffic on Thursday, November 28, 2013 , at 11:38 pm .
In Jakarta , the green dot lights up , among others, on a map of the Jakarta-Merak toll road , Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda near the junction with Jalan Purification , and in Palmerah . While in London , the distribution of the congestion point at the same time observed in Dago area , such as Cisitu Road , Sangkuriang , Dayang Sumbi , and Tubagus Ismail .

Smart Stove: Water power

Fire resulting from the combustion process is not colored red water cooker and blue, but the color is white. The fire did not cause scars burnt in wok cooking place. Therefore, the fuel source of water. Siti and other water cooker student inventors hope the findings could be used wider community. "Stove expected to address the water supply of fuel oil continues to decrease," said Siti.

Junior secondary school pupils (MTs) Just Cempakawarna, District Cihideung, Tasikmalaya, creating a water-fueled stove. Siti Khodijah, water cooker inventor of the students, said the study was conducted for 1.5 months with a mentoring teacher of Natural Sciences,

Heru Pamungkas. 

"The research started before fasting, June 5 until August 20, 2013," Siti said when met at the school, Monday, August 26, 2013. "In addition to water, we use caustic soda, soft drink cans waste or waste aluminum."

The workings of this stove, Siti explains, aluminum waste cut into small pieces and mixed with caustic soda and water. Mixture was then put into a sealed container that has been modified. "Stirred up eksoderm reaction produces hydrogen gas and emerging," he said.
The hydrogen produced is channeled through a hose, and then stored in a place that has been fitted with taps. If you want to use, tap stay open, gas will flow into the stove or smawar. "How to turn on smawar, fueled disposable lighters," said Siti. During caustic soda, aluminum, and available water in the container, then during the same will continue to be produced, and the hydrogen can be used to cook.

(source: www.tempo.co.id)